How to Notice Offerings

I offer workshops, talks, study groups, guided noticing practice, and other customized services connected with the noticing ideas and practices shared in the book.


Workshops can be designed for an hour, 90 minutes, 2 hours, 3 hours, a full day, or as a series. All workshops are tailored specifically for each group’s interests, experience, and questions.

Noticing for Appreciation

We’ll deep-dive into the beautiful (and bountiful) space of appreciation through practice and conversation about how to find, receive, and be with a small object with indulgent appreciation. Ideal for anyone who wants to expand their abilities to give and receive appreciation.

Noticing for Dispositions

We’ll engage in a series of noticing exercises designed to notice how we experience our noticing— what we think about, how it feels, what we like and dislike, when we engage, avoid, distract, or feel bored, our most/least comfortable processes, and our many thoughts, habits, preferences, beliefs, and deeply engrained dispositions that inform what and how we experience things.

Noticing as Meditative Practice

We’ll explore noticing to deepen our attention and presence through a series of slow and sustained practice moments. Collective, meditative guided practice will be balanced with moments for individual practice and reflection, as well as group conversation.

Noticing as Creative Practice

We’ll focus on the mysteries and wonders of creative practice and how a dedicated noticing practice can nurture artistic process. Full of playful practice, visioning, and sharing with others. Ideal for writers, artists, designers, developers, and artistic beings of all sorts.

Place-based Noticing

We’ll immerse ourselves in a (concept of) place and deepen our noticing of small things in relation to the whole of the place. Can be particular (everyone meets at the same park or neighborhood) or generalized (everyone finds a patch of grass or sits in a corner of some building). Can be facilitated with everyone virtually connected or physically together. Can be a noticing walk or a seated.

Introduction to Noticing

We’ll begin with the question: What is noticing? and explore various meanings and approaches for noticing through practice, reflection, and conversation. Ideal for groups who are new to noticing or want to bring a “beginners mind” to their work for refresh and reinvention.

Noticing Remix

We’ll examine a few of the noticing practice moments from How to Notice and revise (re-see) as we playfully remix them for a variety of (imagined) contexts. We’ll deconstruct, reconstruct, invert, connect, juxtapose, invent, and reimagine with the aliveness of noticing. Best for groups who are familiar with the book and its practices. 


If you have a question or would like to schedule a workshop, please email <> or use this contact form.

Study Groups

For five weeks, we’ll meet once a week to focus on each Loop explored in How to Notice. Sessions will include practice, questions, reflection, and conversation. Participants will read and practice one Loop on their own leading up to each session. Great for groups wanting to practice together.


I am available for talks on the book itself or topics related to the value of, and processes for, noticing.

Nuances and Applications

In How to Notice, I share some Nuances and Applications of Noticing. Any of these can inspire a workshop, talk, or something else. Here’s a sampling:

  • Noticing and Looking

  • Noticing and Drawing

  • Noticing and Consciousness

  • Noticing and Attention

  • Noticing as Play and Rigor

  • Noticing as Prayer

  • Noticing as Leadership

  • Noticing as Well-being

  • Noticing as Love


I’m always delighted to discuss new ideas and other possibilities for sharing beyond what I’ve imagined myself. If you have an idea for something we might do together linked to the book, please reach out!


Slow down, notice more in small moments with small things.