
My connection with the aliveness of small things has guided me into the landscape of story.

Small noticing and deep description have always been at the core of my work, and… over the past few years, the aliveness of small things has nudged me to explore new ways of noticing… to find nuances of listening, to sense subtleties of energy, to connect with a place of deepest remembering.


…in the smallness of its single word, a word I thought I knew…

has been storying me.

Story is more than we’ve been told and more than we’ve told of story.

It’s both a place of aliveness and our way into the aliveness.

The matter of story is the matter of small things.

To story is to go into the small.

Not tell about it. Not see it from the outside-in. Not summarize or analyze or generalize.

We go inside.


Listen—beyond ears or eyes.

Stretch, fall, become.

Attune to the hum.

There’s always a hum.

Each small thing has a hum, is a hum.

The hum is where we attune.

The hum is the matter the arcs know.

This is the bridge.

We turn ourselves over to the hum—the aliveness of everything.

We story to be storied.


Storying is an exploratory, holistic, and creative way of noticing and lends itself to collaborative and multi-modal experiences, rather than a typical “workshop.”

Reach out if you have a wondering about how we might create a contextualized storying experience together.

If you’re interested in reading more about the aliveness of small things as they move through my pencil to the page, and want to stay in the loop about where story is guiding me next, consider joining our Noticing Matters community.

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