Why small?

We notice small to access what’s immense.

What’s already here. What we already know.

What we often miss when we try too hard to see a big picture or trace a broad meaning.

We slow down. We go into the small.

And we remember.



This isn’t metaphor. It’s matter.

This isn’t theory. It’s practice.

This isn’t far away. It’s everyday, ordinary, now.


We learn to notice small through playful collaborative practice.

This might look like…


practicing to explore, listen, and attune to words, ideas, objects, materials, colors, shapes, movements, sounds, and more.



practicing to see more in what children know, how they learn, and ways we might allow all children to be more free and curious and whole.



practicing to identify the many (often implicit) layers of language, procedure, physical design, products, messaging—all the ways it shows people how to know and do and be inside it.



practicing to build a common language and process for honoring (and learning from) each small moment, scene, interaction, message, decision, and approach that supports its continuous growth.



practicing in ways that are perfect for you—this may start with paying more attention to the small objects and beings in your life, or taking time to sit with and attune to nature (including your own breath, skin, and dreams) or simply allowing yourself to be still as you let yourself notice what you notice.


Do you have a question? Would you like to have a conversation?